You are always so fun to photograph! What a beautiful family you have! Anna Bell is a DOLL and Riley is So sweet and patiente with her! At least he was that day! And what a beautiful estate to take photos! So many good spots so little time! I had a great time! Thanks you guys!
Anna Bell Stole the show!
Where does Anna get here habbit of sticking out her toung? Hummm I wonder? Maybe Daddy? This is a priceless pictue of you two! Here is Kristy and Anna on the swing. By now we are almost with no light! This is Anna Saying "Get off mommy I want to swing alone!"
Ok i was trying something different her, to actually use the sun light in the photo instead of hide from it. I Cant decide if I got the effect I was hoping for but i do like many of the pictures. What do you all think? The verdict is still out here...
where did you take these pics? so cute! I love them!
Ok i will try this again. i posted a commet and it made no sense so here i go. We went to a frend of the Bell's home to take these pictues in Yuba City. Walnut orchard's are great for photos!
Great pictures! I love the backround.
I really love the sun shinning through the trees. I personally LOVE the sun in photos. Great job. It's difficult getting the sun to be bright without glaring out your subject. (does that make sense?) Love the location. I've been eyeing different places as I drive to and from. I wander if people will think I am strange if I ask them to use their property for a photo session! Found a house with a huge pond with lilly pads in it. Brian thinks they will slam the door on me if I ask! : ) Keep up the great work.
Must talk about doing family photos. Ya know you want to take pics of the baby!!!
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